Zoey's Mom's Blog
Keepin' everybody posted on the wonderful world of Zoe.
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Thanks to Emiley for helping me to get set up with this blog--it's so funny because I didn't know I really wanted one. I always kinda thought that a personal blog was a little self-glorifying--you know, like, "this is my life, don't you want to read about me?" But Emiley pointed out that it's a good way to get info out to family and friends without having to send fifty ba-gillion emails or just spamming your whole address book with "all the latest" because not everyone on your email list cares about "all the latest" anyways. Now, I only have to send out one spam to let everyone know about the blog and I don't have to spend hours downloading photos of Zoey to everyone. That, and those people who don't care, don't have to be subjected to any more spam. Ok, I don't actually spam anyone with anything, in reality, I'm probably more guilty of undercommunication. Anyhoo, thanks, Ems! Now of to work getting some cute pics up for you all!
P.S. The lovely picture you see with this posting is Emiley (for those of you who don't know her). Our Mac (!) has a cute little program called photo booth that is hours of uselessness but great fun, right Ems? :)