It's been a while since I've actually said anything on this blog, so I think it's time to share some news. Zoey is, of course, getting bigger everyday! She's now 20 lbs! She's also getting smarter, which is great and not great. She is figuring out how things work and starting to formulate little plans in her mind and executing them (I want to put the ball on the bench, etc.). She is also getting smart about crying (If I cry, mom will respond), so I'm having to start to rethink how I'm doing some things, mostly naptime and bedtime. She's waving at people now and says, "Mama," "Dada," and "nana," (which is interpreted "banana"). She learned how to do

stairs this weekend, well, getting up the stairs. When she gets to the top she cries because she doesn't know how to get down! She also has a keen interest in the piano--maybe we have a prodogy on our hands! :) We've been traveling a lot lately, and Zoey's been doing great with that for the most part. She did throw up on Brian on our return trip from California, and was teething pretty intensely while we were in Minnesota, but now she's snug in her own bed and hopefully ready to sleep through the night (wait, am I dreaming already?). Anyways, I'd better get to bed, Zoey has had a rough couple of nights (hence, have I!), so I must keep this post brief. I'll post more pictures from our travels soon. P.S. to the Grandmas--Zoey is feeling much better!
Now, I ask you, is that not the cutest baby in the world? YYYYEEESSSS!!!!!
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