Singin' in Church

Zoey loves music, dancing, singing--anything rhythmic, lyrical, harmonious. She may be destined to sing words before she speaks them. This probably has something to do with her mom's strange habit of singing things without realizing she's singing them, not to mention all the intentional singing that her mom and dad are constantly dishing out. When asked if she thought she might be the next American Idol, Zoey was being released from a bad case of the poopy-pants and could not be reached for comment. It has recently been discovered that Zoey also likes singing in church as well as singing alone in her room. During a lively rendition of "Blessed Be the Name," Zoey was compelled to lift her voice. Only her mom and dad were able to hear the song, but they confirm that she did indeed sing. They were not sure, however, if she got the lyrics right.
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