Zoey's Mom's Blog
Keepin' everybody posted on the wonderful world of Zoe.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Everybody Duck!

So today, Zoey did several things for the first time: She said a word (and I know it wasn't just random imitation), and she fed herself with a spoon!
I was giving Zoe her bath (which we all know is one of her favorite things) and I was talking to her about her rubber duck and she said, "Duck!" I'm guess I'm not too surprised that her first word was bath-time related.
Earlier, I had been feeding Zoey her breakfast, which she wasn't enjoying very much, so I decided to let her try. When I put the spoon in her cereal, she picked it up and put the spoonful right into her mouth. I was pretty amazed that she got it in the first time, as if she had been doing this her whole life (she hasn't). I thought that maybe it was just beginner's luck--could I child of mine be that coordinated? Yes, she can, for she did it gain with the next spoonful, and the next. Really, I should never have doubted; she's been intensely interested in how other people eat for a long as she's been interested in anything at all and she's been watching very closely for some time now. Apparently, it paid off for her! Bon Appetite!