So today, Zoey did several things for the first time: She said a word (and I know it wasn't just random imitation), and she fed herself with a spoon!
I was giving Zoe her bath (which we all know is one of her favorite things) and I was talking to her about her rubber duck and she said, "Duck!" I'm guess I'm not too surprised that her first word was bath-time related.
Earlier, I had been feeding Zoey her breakfast, which she wasn't enjoying very much, so I decided to let her try. When I put the spoon in her cereal, she picked it up and put the spoonful right into her mouth. I was pretty amazed that she got it in the first time, as if she had been doing this her whole life (she hasn't). I thought that maybe it was just beginner's luck--could I child of mine be that coordinated? Yes, she can, for she did it gain with the next spoonful, and the next. Really, I should never have doubted; she's been intensely interested in how other people eat for a long as she's been interested in anything at all and she's been watching very closely for some time now. Apparently, it paid off for her! Bon Appetite!