Zoey's Mom's Blog
Keepin' everybody posted on the wonderful world of Zoe.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Singin' in Church

Zoey loves music, dancing, singing--anything rhythmic, lyrical, harmonious. She may be destined to sing words before she speaks them. This probably has something to do with her mom's strange habit of singing things without realizing she's singing them, not to mention all the intentional singing that her mom and dad are constantly dishing out. When asked if she thought she might be the next American Idol, Zoey was being released from a bad case of the poopy-pants and could not be reached for comment. It has recently been discovered that Zoey also likes singing in church as well as singing alone in her room. During a lively rendition of "Blessed Be the Name," Zoey was compelled to lift her voice. Only her mom and dad were able to hear the song, but they confirm that she did indeed sing. They were not sure, however, if she got the lyrics right.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
The Wonders of the 3 Hour Nap

Oh, the blessed afternoon time, when Zoey takes her three hour nap. Don't hold your breath folks, because it could stop as suddenly as it started. Before Pennsylvania, Zoey took a three hour nap for three days in a row. I was relieved and excited to have so much time to myself, but I didn't know if she would pick it back up after the 5 day absense from normalcy (is that you to spell that?). The trip went quite well, which is really saying something when you consider we took a 4 month old on a 14 hour car trip! I learned a lot about Zoey just seeing her out of her normal context (so did her Grandma Jill). She also had a few firsts this weekend: her first giggle and her first solo playtime with a toy (Elephant). She also has begun to "sing," especially if she is by herself. I put her in a blanket in the other room and I went into the kitchen. I though I heard her crying but when I went into her room, she was saying "oooo, oooo, oooo, ha, ha," and stuff like that. She was talking non-stop--probably a preview of what's to come. Oh, back to the other firsts...when we were in Pennsylvania, her Grandma was tickling her and she started giggling. There's nothing in the world like a baby giggle. I think they should bottle it in jars and give it to depressed people. It would make the world a happier place. As far as the toy goes, I gave her this elephant with crinkly stuff in his ears. She likes to crinkle the ears. When I drive, I can hear her back in the car seat-crinkle, crinkle, crinkle! Her impending physical development freaks me out a little bit. The thought of her mobile is terrifying and exciting all at the same time. Well, I've got to get her up for her 16 month check up!
Monday, January 16, 2006
The Love of a Girl for her Lamp

Never underestimate the love of a girl for her lamp. Take, for instance, the story of Zoey and her friend Lampy. At first, Zoey didn't notice Lampy, but he continued to patiently give soft glowing light for all those late night nursing sessions. In time, Zoey grew to notice Lampy and spent many happy moments gazing into his glowing light. She began talking to him as a beloved friend, and even looking lovingly at him during the day when his light wasn't glowing. Lampy never knew he could be loved like this. He had been appreciated before, but loved? Never!
He began his life in a factory in Tawain and spent many lonely nights in a dark box all alone traveling the the Ikea distribution center and then on to the store where he waited with expectation that a loving family would find a good use for him, never dreaming what lay in store for him. One day, along came Zoey's mom and dad (long before Zoey was born) and brought Lampy home where the mounted him above a beloved painting.

Sunday, January 08, 2006
Fist-The New Gourmet Craze Sweeping the Nation

Well, folks, she's done it again! Zoey has set a new trend in the world of fashion and food. Apparently all the up-and-comers are trying it-- it's fist. When asked about the proper way to enjoy fist, Zoey demonstrated by shoving her fist in her mouth and drooling on her dress. It is true, actions do speak louder than words. For your contribution to society, we thank you!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Zoe Turns 3 months

Our sources have confirmed that this week, Zoe has turned 3 months. When asked to comment, her mother exclamed, "It's so amazing to see how much she changes from month to month, even week to week sometimes." When asked to comment on how it felt be be three months, Zoey spit up her bottle of formula. Apparently, formula doesn't agree with this three month old.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Daddy's got a brand new blog

Here is a pic of Zoey hangin' out with her daddy as he sets up his new blog. One of Zoey's favorite things to do is hang out with dad. On some days, she'll sit in his lap and play video games, too! Funny thing, if mom tries to get on the computer, Zoey won't have any of it. Maybe she's just a daddy's girl.